Empowering Smallholder Farmers in Zambia and Zimbabwe


Our Partners

Markets and Seeds Access Project (MASAP) is a 12-year initiative funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by a consortium of organisations. The project works in Zambia and Zimbabwe to improve food security and livelihoods for smallholder farmers, especially women and youth.

MASAP represents a collaborative effort between NIRAS A/S, the Community Technology Development Organisation (CTDO), and the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), with funding support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Envisaged as a 12-year initiative, MASAP is structured into three distinct phases, each spanning four years. 

The inaugural phase commenced in December 2021 and is scheduled until November 2025, with a strategic focus on initiating project activities in the initial four districts of Tsholotsho and Mudzi in Zimbabwe, and Sioma/Sesheke and Chipata in Zambia. Subsequent phases are aimed at expanding project interventions, broadening the scope across additional districts in both countries, and solidifying institutional changes to ensure sustained project outcomes.

 Utilising the Market Systems Development (MSD) approach, MASAP conducted a comprehensive Market Systems Analysis (MSA) during its inception year. This analysis provided critical insights into the current dynamics of the seed and commodity value chains, specifically targeting sorghum, pearl millet, cowpeas, and groundnuts, encompassing both production and marketing perspectives.

Vision for MASAP

The overall goal of the project is to improve resilience in food security of smallholder households (especially women and youth) by increasing the adoption and utilisation of improved open and self-pollinated varieties of small grains (sorghum and pearl millet) and legumes (cowpeas and groundnuts) through strengthening the seed and commodity value chains in Zambia and Zimbabwe. 

MASAP’s long-term vision is the creation of a vibrant and community-driven seed and commodity market system, creating income opportunities and improved resilience in food and nutrition for smallholder farmers (SHFs), in particular women and the youth supported by strong institutions, national and regional policies, and innovative private sector actors. One main outcome is the adoption and utilisation of small grain and legume seeds by smallholder farmers and the development of sustainable farmer groups and associations which will provide services that lead to smallholder farmers – in particular women and youth – having higher and diversified incomes resulting from adoption and utilisation of small grains and legumes seeds and sales of these commodities.


A Small Holder Farmer from Zambia shares her experience with MASAP

"Thanks to the MASAP program and SHAREAfrica, I learned so much about growing groundnuts! Their training sessions helped me every step of the way, from planting to harvest. By the end of May, I had collected 15 bags of groundnut seed, weighing 28kg each – a total of 428kg! I'm so grateful for this program and the chance to improve my harvest."
Eliness Mwanza
Smallholder farmer from Chipata, Eastern Zambia

How MASAP Works

SHFs Reached
SHFs with Market Access
Seed Producers
Increased Incomes